To do so, we rely on an ultra-mod­ern loc­a­tion, make con­tinu­ous invest­ments in our spe­cial­ist know­ledge and industry expert­ise, and focus our work on qual­ity assur­ance. To ensure that we can meet your require­ments reli­ably, flex­ibly and effi­ciently. Today and tomorrow.

Protect to perform means for our customers:

Comprehensive service from a single source

Icon Comprehensive service from a single source

We sup­port cus­tom­ers from the devel­op­ment of a tailored solu­tion to pack­aging man­u­fac­tur­ing and con­tract pack­aging to val­id­a­tion and documentation.

Customer-oriented processes and flexible collaboration

Icon Customer-oriented processes and flexible collaboration

From the first con­sulta­tion to imple­ment­a­tion of the indi­vidu­al pack­aging solu­tion, the cus­tom­er always has a qual­i­fied con­tact per­son at their side so they can respond flex­ibly and effect­ively to their needs and imple­ment the solu­tion reli­ably and efficiently.

Short throughput times of 7 to 10 days, including sterilization

Icon Short throughput times of 7 to 10 days, including sterilization

With our val­id­ated pro­cesses and meth­ods and thanks to the pre­ci­sion of our qual­i­fied employ­ees we ensure effi­cient production.

Highest level of data quality

Icon Highest level of data quality

Our pack­aging is sub­jec­ted to reg­u­lar test­ing in our own cer­ti­fied lab, with qual­ity con­trols dur­ing all phases of the pack­aging pro­cess. We ensure that everything is doc­u­mented cor­rectly and com­pre­hens­ively and that the leg­al require­ments are observed.

Maximum safety

Icon Maximum safety

Our ultra-mod­ern infra­struc­ture and qual­i­fied employ­ees ensure a high level of deliv­ery reli­ab­il­ity at all times and the greatest pro­tec­tion for our cus­tom­ers’ products.

Highly modern location with autonomous systems

Icon Highly modern location with autonomous systems

With our mod­ern pro­duc­tion sys­tems we ensure the best pos­sible safety of our products and ser­vices. We man­u­fac­ture in two fully autonom­ously oper­ated build­ings with sep­ar­ate sup­ply sys­tems. Elec­tri­city, com­pressed air, vent­il­a­tion, heat­ing, and the pro­cessing of high-pur­ity water are all redundant.

Data security

Icon Data security

We ensure data secur­ity with IT infra­struc­ture that is also redund­ant and geo­graph­ic­ally sep­ar­ated data centers.

Environmental and climate protection

Icon Environmental and climate protection

In addi­tion to safety, we also place great emphas­is on envir­on­ment­al and cli­mate pro­tec­tion. Früh Ver­pack­ung­s­tech­nik par­ti­cip­ates in EnAW (Energy Agency of the Swiss Private Sec­tor) and con­trib­utes to a reduc­tion in CO₂ through tar­geted and con­tinu­ous energy optimization.

CO2 certificate

Icon CO2 certificate

We think and act with an aware­ness of the cli­mate, espe­cially with respect to the devel­op­ment of new products and pro­cesses. Früh Ver­pack­ung­s­tech­nik has a CO2 certificate.

Our slogan «Protect to perform» is an expression of our service promise to our customers, as well as our belief that protection can always be increased. At Früh Verpackungstechnik, we ensure the absolute safety of our customers' products. And we improve our solutions time and time again. To ensure that every packaged product can unfold its potential – and people can benefit from them without concern. Today and tomorrow.

Safety and Environment

At our ultra-mod­ern loc­a­tion we have highly safe and energy-effi­cient infrastructure.

With our mod­ern pro­duc­tion sys­tems we ensure the best pos­sible safety of our products and ser­vices. We man­u­fac­ture in two fully autonom­ously oper­ated build­ings with sep­ar­ate sup­ply sys­tems. Elec­tri­city, com­pressed air, vent­il­a­tion, heat­ing, and the pro­cessing of high-pur­ity water are all inde­pend­ent from one anoth­er. We ensure data secur­ity with our redund­ant IT infra­struc­ture and geo­graph­ic­ally sep­ar­ated data centers.

In addi­tion to safety, we also place great emphas­is on envir­on­ment­al and cli­mate pro­tec­tion. Früh Ver­pack­ung­s­tech­nik par­ti­cip­ates in EnAW (Energy Agency of the Swiss Private Sec­tor) and con­trib­utes to a reduc­tion in CO₂ through tar­geted and con­tinu­ous energy optim­iz­a­tion. We think and act with an aware­ness of the cli­mate, espe­cially with respect to the devel­op­ment of new products and pro­cesses. Früh Ver­pack­ung­s­tech­nik also has a CO2 certificate.

Quality Assurance

Qual­ity is the top pri­or­ity of our work. 

We are cer­ti­fied in accord­ance with the fol­low­ing standards:

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • EN ISO 13485:2016
  • Steam ster­il­iz­a­tion ISO 17665
  • FSSC 22000 (ISO 22000:2005)
  • Swiss­med­ic approv­al for sec­ond­ary pack­aging of pharmaceuticals
  • CO2 cer­ti­fic­ate
  • EnAW (Energy Agency of the Swiss Private Sector)

Früh Ver­pack­ung­s­tech­nik AG also meets the require­ments of the GMP guidelines recom­men­ded by the World Health Organ­iz­a­tion, includ­ing the Chinese GMP guidelines, the guidelines of the Phar­ma­ceut­ic­al Inspec­tion Con­ven­tion (PIC) and the guidelines of the US Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion (FDA).